Friday, September 7, 2012

Lindsay week 2

LAME LAME LAME!  That is what this week is.  I will be reporting a whopping 0 lb loss!  Seriously,  periods stink!  I don't know about the rest of you, but I totally have a 5 lb swing with it.  I hate it.  I have even eaten WAY better this week than last AND I have worked out 6x's since last Friday!  I only took Sunday off!  So lets just say I am feeling a bit discouraged about this.  I purposely tried to stay off the scale because I knew I would be discouraged.  Yep, I was right.  So here's to another week.  I think like someone else said...I need to drink more water...lots more water.  So thank you for that tip.  I will not let this get me's to a new week!

I like the positives that someone else...Karin said.  This week did have a really good positive for me also.  I have struggled with some health concerns and I got good results.  So in the is what we are after.  Yes, weight is a part of that, but health is the goal.  If it seems like I am trying to convince myself of this...yes I am. 

AND--we have snow on our mountains here in Alaska.  I love winter, but I'm not quite ready for it yet.  Maybe it is just a fluke?!?  Hopefully.

I am so impressed with all of you.  Naomi, thank you for this wonderful idea and the organizing of it.  Yeah!!!! 

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