Friday, September 21, 2012

Gloria - 4th weigh-in

I am so mad at myself, I gained this week.  Whomp, whomp.  :(. I kind of figured I wouldn't lose weight this week because I'm about to get my period so I'm super hungry all the time and this is our recovery week for our workouts, so lower-intensity.  And I hate how bloated I am.  It sucks that the week I am most volatile emotionally is also the week that I'm all fat and bloated and hungry all the time - not a good combination.  

So I'm at 129.5 right now, with a 0% weight loss this week and a 4.07% weight loss overall.  I sure hope next week is better. 


  1. Hang in there. 4.07% is nothing to sneer over.

  2. You can do it! We all have our bad weeks. Hopefully you can pick yourself up and dust yourself off and rock it out this week! :)
