I have had a really great week. My muscles are slightly burnin', I'm walking taller, my pants are a little looser. I'm feeling great! So I shouldn't let the fact that I gained 4 ounces get me down. Ya know water retention and building muscle and all that. I started a 10 day herbal cleanse on Monday and it has really helped with eating. It has a strictish meal plan but it has gone really well. I haven't had any really strong cravings or really been starving. Usually when I just go cold turkey I cave.
My weight training sessions have been awesome. I love Fridays. Glutes and Hamstring day. Sundays I'm hurtin' good! But I can't give up on the great booty genes my daddy gave me! Total loss is 3.25
Nice work this week ladies!
Good for you! Celebrate those little miracles of your clothes fitting better and muscles growing. Keep it up.