Sunday, September 30, 2012
5th week down!
so sorry I'm so late again. I was in Little Rock again. I didn't lose any this week so 0% for the week but my total is 6.13%. We don't have much longer. Soo excited about how well you all are doing. keep it up!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Karin- week 5
This week has been really stressful and good but not so good. Anything I say is just an excuse so here it is...I lost 0.2lbs. It's still a loss. My percentage is 0.07%. My total for the challange is 2.9lbs lost and 1.02%. I have decided that my body just likes to do things slowly. It is frusterating because I want it all off NOW...but that is not what is going to happen. As long as I am losing I am winning...Right? Good job ladies for all your hard work!
Lindsay Week 5
WOW is is already week 5? So this journey has been a hard one for me. I find it so easy to get frusterated over the number game. I find myself angry that the pounds aren't coming off; especially when I am working SOOO hard. I have severly limited my sugar intake (reading labels like a hawk and realizing that I am an addict) and excercising hard 4-6 times a week for over 30 minutes. I am drinking TONS of water (peeing like a race horse). I am crabby (due to lack of sugar). I am sleeping well (Im exhausted). So why won't the pounds come off? I did some research....I realized that I could possibly be short on Vitamin D. We have been in Alaska since December and I have not taken Vitamin D regularly...ever. I have to admit. In less than a week. I FEEL better. We do not get much sunlight here even during the summer. And this morning this is what the hillside next to our valley looks like. (And tonight as I is snowing.)
So back to the numbers game. I have finally (after a few hard weeks of discoragement) come to the conclusion:
It is how I FEEL and not how much I weigh that matters.
It is hard to overlook the numbers. I feel frusterated by it continually. I think I forever will be. But I FEEL better. I FEEL stronger. I FEEL more comfortable in my clothes. I think I may even FEEL a bicep muscle on my arms? I can do more laps of stairs. I can run longer. I can do more pushups. I can say in plank longer. I FEEL healthy. Some say the numbers don't lie...well, sometimes they do. It is a matter of perspective. That being said...I signed up for a half marathon on the 13th. Because yes, I FEEL that good. I know I can complete it respectfully (Not a runner like my brother Jeff...I said respectfully not exceptionally). So I hope others are noticing the good changes in themselves and trying hard to not let the numbers discourage you. Keep up the good work. Celebrate the little miracles. My stats: This week:1.17% Total: 3.43%
Friday, September 28, 2012
Dilone's 5th week
I have had a really great week. My muscles are slightly burnin', I'm walking taller, my pants are a little looser. I'm feeling great! So I shouldn't let the fact that I gained 4 ounces get me down. Ya know water retention and building muscle and all that. I started a 10 day herbal cleanse on Monday and it has really helped with eating. It has a strictish meal plan but it has gone really well. I haven't had any really strong cravings or really been starving. Usually when I just go cold turkey I cave.
My weight training sessions have been awesome. I love Fridays. Glutes and Hamstring day. Sundays I'm hurtin' good! But I can't give up on the great booty genes my daddy gave me! Total loss is 3.25
Nice work this week ladies!
My weight training sessions have been awesome. I love Fridays. Glutes and Hamstring day. Sundays I'm hurtin' good! But I can't give up on the great booty genes my daddy gave me! Total loss is 3.25
Nice work this week ladies!
It seemed like there were a lot of temptations this week; pizza at Kim's, Sunday dinner, breakfast with my grandma, pizza date night... what else?! But I managed to get down to 179.4, YEAH! I crossed the thresh-hold. Down 10 total pounds, 2.2 pounds this week. So that makes it 1.21% for this week and 5.28% total.
Doesn't it feel good to lose weight ladies? It's so hard! Some of you are doing really great! What is the key? I need to know! :)
This week was pretty good. I only lost one pound but have been working out good. So my weekly loss is .67% and my overall is 1.99%. I started running again and have been working out on my elliptical stepper and it feels so good to be back to exercising again! I pretty much took the whole summer off, but now remember how good I feel when I do workout! Gloria I just read you blog post this morning it is so true how much better you feel when exercising! Naomi I think that is a good idea for the last weigh in to email it to you and I am fine with the picture thing too!
Week 5-Gina
This week I only lost .8 lbs for a .54% loss. I wish it was more, I have been eating pretty well and working out, but I think this is just my body's pattern. I lose a lot one week, and not so much the next week. It is strange because I do the same things in those weeks. Oh well, at least it's coming off. My total % for the whole 5 weeks is 3.29%
Gloria - 5th weigh-in
I can't believe it's been 5 weeks already! Time flies, huh?
This week I lost 2 pounds, for a total of 1.54%!! I am down to 127.5, which is a total of 7.5 pounds or 5.56%!!! Figuring I've probably gained some weight in muscle, I'm happy with that number. I told myself if I could get down to 125, I'd be very happy. And the more important number, my body fat percentage, has gone down, so I try to not put too much stock in the number on the scale.
I am still working out doing Insanity 6 days a week and trying to eat better foods and definitely eating less of what I do eat. This last week with my period was hard to control the sweet cravings, but now that that's over, it should be better! The hardest part is eating good when we go out to eat or go to someone's house for dinner. If you guys have any tips on how to control eating in those situations, I'd love to hear them!
This week I lost 2 pounds, for a total of 1.54%!! I am down to 127.5, which is a total of 7.5 pounds or 5.56%!!! Figuring I've probably gained some weight in muscle, I'm happy with that number. I told myself if I could get down to 125, I'd be very happy. And the more important number, my body fat percentage, has gone down, so I try to not put too much stock in the number on the scale.
I am still working out doing Insanity 6 days a week and trying to eat better foods and definitely eating less of what I do eat. This last week with my period was hard to control the sweet cravings, but now that that's over, it should be better! The hardest part is eating good when we go out to eat or go to someone's house for dinner. If you guys have any tips on how to control eating in those situations, I'd love to hear them!
week5 - chantrie
Ok ladies. I could really use some encouragement. This week I hit a wall. I worked hard and ate right and then I hit Wednesday and I simply couldn't work out. So I ate right but didn't work out Wednesday or Thursday. I can't seem to break out of the sixties. Yesterday I saw 160.8 less than one lb but it is hanging on there digging in with tooth and nail. I know we only have three more weeks but those 21 days seem like an eternity. Ok. I know enough of the whining. I have lost a lot of weight. I look and feel great.
Weigh in this morning 161.4 Percentage for the week .37% Total 7.24%
Wow! Looking at my total makes me feel pretty good. Push along ladies. Push along. What is the total for all of us?
Weigh in this morning 161.4 Percentage for the week .37% Total 7.24%
Wow! Looking at my total makes me feel pretty good. Push along ladies. Push along. What is the total for all of us?
Wahoo! finally seeing some "small but at least theyre losses" changes. I am down to 144.6, which got rid of what I gained last week and then some. My total is 1.23% this week and 3.6%overall. Been eating very healthy. I gave up my coke before but jumped right back on that wagon. Jumped off this week and have been 5 days without a coke. that may not seem like much for some of you, but that is huge for me. The mood swings this week were horrible-no sugar at all, no coca cola, no refined starches. Monday I was grumpy, Tuesday I hated the world and had to lock myself in at home so I wouldnt offend or kill someone, Wednesday I could almost be civil to people, thursday my husband brought a cold home from work to share, Today might be ok. I made it throught the week without ripping someones head off, and lost weight. I hope your week has been good for all of you.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Change for final week and a question
A few of you ladies have requested that for the final weigh in you all email me instead of posting with your final % just so that there aren't any who are tempted to add on a few points to win the pot. I agree with this, Soooo for the final weigh in on October 19th please email me and don't post that day. It was also suggested that we each send a photo of our feet on the scale with our final weight. I think this would be fun to see. What do you ladies think. I think it is a perfect idea. Let me know.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Ginger's week 4
Soo sorry this is late. I was in Little Rock the past 2 days. I lost almost 3 lbs this week. so I'm down to 192.2 which was a total of 1.44% for the week and a TOTAL of 6.13% Good job ladies. We don't have much longer! We can do this!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Lindsay week 4
Up 1.5 lbs! Grrrr! It has been one long hard week and so be it. Hopefully better next week.
Cendy- week 4. Oh boy, Im stuck. I was holding steady until today. I gained 1.4 lbs, weighing in at 146.4. Thats still a 3.33 weight loss and a gain, dont know how to figure that in. Hmmmm...........Could it be the Red Lobster All you can eat shrimp last night??? Probably. I just didnt seem to have any motivation this week, I have some injuries that just seem to keep bugging me. I worked out with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Love her! Going through my 20+ workout videos, using my favs to kill boredom. So the goal for next week is watch my intake more closely, and do some workout every day. I know I am stronger and tougher than my weight, just have to push through the tough stuff. Thanks everyone for the encouragement. it is so awesome to see everyones progress.
I had a 0% loss this week so my overall is still the same at 1.32%. I didn't eat very healthy but I was pretty active with bike rides, walks and painting my house. Also even though I didn't eat very good I did make a healthier choice and I didn't drink any soda or any caffeine. I am addicted to diet coke and I didn't have any this last week but did have one at lunch today. I just haven't been very motivated with my eating! But starting Monday I am recommitting myself and I will loose some pounds, LOL!!! Happy for everyone else and it has made me more motivated reading all your guys success!
4th Week for Dilone
I had five very excellent workouts this week! However, I am very stunned, I had a zero loss this week. I started today with a food journal to start keeping track of my calories. Even though I eat every 2-3 hours I may be eating too much or not enough. Total loss is 3.25%.
Naomi's Half-way check in!
Woooohooo Ladies what success we have had! I am so proud of you all for working hard to healthfully lose weight, make healthy life style changes and look at life so positively. Thank you for all the support not only for me but for each other. It is neat to say we can lose weight without any of those fad kinda diets but just by making better choices for ourselves and our families.
This week was a good one for me. I lost 4lbs. this weeks % is 1.98% and for the overall competition I have 5.36%. BUT.....what is awesome for me is this, I have been doing a 60 day fitness challenge at the gym I go to. On Wed. they did our half way 30 day evaluation. I have improved on my strength and cardio respritory whatever by 40%, I have dropped 9lbs. total and my body fat% is down by quite a bit!!! The fitness part of this is almost as exciting if not more so than the weight loss. My main goal has been to get healthier, tighten up (a lot!) and be able to have more energy and I have seen some great results. The guy that is in charge of my weekly class says I really probably have lost more like 15lbs but because I am gaining muscle it only shows a smaller weight loss. I hope you all are having this kind of success. I hope that we all see these type of results. You all are working so hard and I love it! Keep up the great work ladies. In four more weeks we will all be able to celebrate accomplishing our goals.
This week was a good one for me. I lost 4lbs. this weeks % is 1.98% and for the overall competition I have 5.36%. BUT.....what is awesome for me is this, I have been doing a 60 day fitness challenge at the gym I go to. On Wed. they did our half way 30 day evaluation. I have improved on my strength and cardio respritory whatever by 40%, I have dropped 9lbs. total and my body fat% is down by quite a bit!!! The fitness part of this is almost as exciting if not more so than the weight loss. My main goal has been to get healthier, tighten up (a lot!) and be able to have more energy and I have seen some great results. The guy that is in charge of my weekly class says I really probably have lost more like 15lbs but because I am gaining muscle it only shows a smaller weight loss. I hope you all are having this kind of success. I hope that we all see these type of results. You all are working so hard and I love it! Keep up the great work ladies. In four more weeks we will all be able to celebrate accomplishing our goals.
Karin- Week 4
This was a better week. I lost 4.2lbs (almost what I gained last week) So my percentage for the week is 1.46%. My total is 2.7lbs and 0.95%. I know...pathetic.
Goals for this week are to do a Shakeology Cleanse. And workout to Hip Hop Abs every day and maybe throw in a Turbo Fire workout or two. Use myfitnesspal to calculate my calories in and calories out. I know I can do better! Time to really buckle down!
Goals for this week are to do a Shakeology Cleanse. And workout to Hip Hop Abs every day and maybe throw in a Turbo Fire workout or two. Use myfitnesspal to calculate my calories in and calories out. I know I can do better! Time to really buckle down!
Gina week 4
I'm super excited about this week! Afterlasts light gain last week, I can now finally say that I am well past my plateau! This week I lost 3 lbs for 1.99%! My total loss for this competition is 2.76%.
I'm super excited because, since I started eating right, I've lost over 8 lbs! I lost some of it before the competition, so it doesn't all count on this, but it still feels good to say that I've lost 5.26% since the kids started school! Another 8 lbs and I will have finally lost all the weight from my last pregnancy (over 3 years ago). That is a good feeling!
I'm super excited because, since I started eating right, I've lost over 8 lbs! I lost some of it before the competition, so it doesn't all count on this, but it still feels good to say that I've lost 5.26% since the kids started school! Another 8 lbs and I will have finally lost all the weight from my last pregnancy (over 3 years ago). That is a good feeling!
Chantrie Week 4
I ate right and exercised everyday, even though I had to take it a little easy on Monday and Tuesday after twisting my ankle on Saturday. At the beginning of the week I wasn't dropping at all and I was beginning to wonder if I was plateauing. But it started to drop here at the end of the week. Total percentage is 6.84%. This weeks percentage 1.76% Much better than last week. We are half way there. Keep it up.
Another one- Callie
This week was pretty good. I actually worked out most of the week. I did splurge on a triple date at the melting pot, but I was happy to lose a little weight. I lost 3 pounds this week. So I'm down to 181.6 which is 1.63% for this week. A total of 7.8 pounds and 4.12%.
Gloria - 4th weigh-in
I am so mad at myself, I gained this week. Whomp, whomp. :(. I kind of figured I wouldn't lose weight this week because I'm about to get my period so I'm super hungry all the time and this is our recovery week for our workouts, so lower-intensity. And I hate how bloated I am. It sucks that the week I am most volatile emotionally is also the week that I'm all fat and bloated and hungry all the time - not a good combination.
So I'm at 129.5 right now, with a 0% weight loss this week and a 4.07% weight loss overall. I sure hope next week is better.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Karen Labrum - Week 3
Sorry, I am a late poster (once again).... This week has been a week full of "events". I had several meals that I had to attend that weren't exactly a great selection of healthy choices... With that being said.... I was able to maintain my weight. I am still down three pounds since week 1, which gives me a total weight loss percentage of 1.99. Not great, but at least it's going in the right direction. I did a "Butts & Guts" class this week at my gym and loved it!! My abs and rear end are still very sore which is great! I love it when I feel like I got a good workout. Also, after having to watch myself in a mirror during the entire workout (yikes) It is a huge motivation to get back to the gym. My goal is to kick the workouts up a notch this week and hopefully not have to attend any more "events".
Here's to week 4!!
Lindsay Week 3
I am down to the 160's....just barely! I know this may sound silly, but it has been over 6 years! I am so happy. I am at 168.5 so only 1.5 lbs lost this week. I can't complain. I lost none last week. This plateau has been my nemisis. So my total percentage lost to date is 3.71%. This week it is only .88%. Trying to lose weight becomes very stressful when you don't see the pound come off ESPECIALLY when you are working so hard. I am at this point right now. So instead of getting angry I am going to focus on the good things that have happened this week.
Highlights: 1. I have done 4 workouts this week. 2. I have picked my first batches of wild Alaskan blueberries (and did NOT get eaten by any bears). 3. I have eaten well and consumed more water! (Thank you Cendy!) 4. I have used a chainsaw and cut wood, loaded it and brought it home for the winter (with my girlfriend-no men involved-what a workout!). 5. I am now fitting in to size 12 jeans with ease...may not be a big deal for some, but a great one for me. 6. AND I am wearing a size medium shirt tonight on a date with the hubs!!!! These are the small miracles in my journey to healthy and fit. Like Naomi posted...I am seeing myself get stronger. I am seeing my body transform. It is amazing what our bodies can do. We are very blessed with amazing bodies! I think it makes it that much MORE important for us to take care of them. I am so proud of all of you. Keep up the good work.

Highlights: 1. I have done 4 workouts this week. 2. I have picked my first batches of wild Alaskan blueberries (and did NOT get eaten by any bears). 3. I have eaten well and consumed more water! (Thank you Cendy!) 4. I have used a chainsaw and cut wood, loaded it and brought it home for the winter (with my girlfriend-no men involved-what a workout!). 5. I am now fitting in to size 12 jeans with ease...may not be a big deal for some, but a great one for me. 6. AND I am wearing a size medium shirt tonight on a date with the hubs!!!! These are the small miracles in my journey to healthy and fit. Like Naomi posted...I am seeing myself get stronger. I am seeing my body transform. It is amazing what our bodies can do. We are very blessed with amazing bodies! I think it makes it that much MORE important for us to take care of them. I am so proud of all of you. Keep up the good work.
Just thought I would throw in some motivation!
***This was posted at 11:40 Alaska time.***
Friday, September 14, 2012
Gina Weigh in
Sorry this is so late, but its still technically Friday. I had a rough week with loosing. I totally over ate on saturday for our aniversary, but did really well all week long. I feel like I've hit a plateau because I'm stuck right around 150. Today it was officially 150.8. thats a gain of 1.2 lbs.
Dilone's Check-in!
This week has gone really well! Been busy and stressed as always but fit in great workouts, even when I went swimming with my boys. Ate pretty decently. I had a 2.28% loss for the week. Down to 214.6 lbs. A total of 3.25% loss.
Good luck this week everybody!
Good luck this week everybody!
Ginger's weigh in
Hi ladies! Ok I stayed the same this week. so 0% loss for me this week but still at 4.79% total loss. It's fair week here and my little guys 3rd birthday so it's been fun and crazy!! He won the pageant in his little division last night. I'm a proud Mama of such a handsome guy. Ok I'll stop. This is suppose to be about weight loss and not bragging Mom time. heehee Keep it up ladies! We can do this! Just about a month to go!! :)
Hello, Ladies. I lost 1 lb this week, making that a .68% for this week and a 3.33% overall. I did not exercise much this week.I have a nasty tooth ache and every little jump or run kills me but I have a dentist appt next week. And to answer the question for a lot of you, YES the visit of Aunt Flo does mess up the weight. So dont panic, next week will be better. I have noticed that drinking water really ramps up weight loss, it has worked for me in the past and I notice a difference when I dont drink a lot of water to help flush out toxins and fat. So the goal for next week is more water and exercise once a day.
Karin- Week 3
Blah. This week was a tough one. Yes it is the week of my visitor, I have a sinus infection and the meds make me hungry and constipated (TMI, I know. but that is another reason for my gain this week). Can't exercise without coughing up a lung so of course I didn't. And to be quite frank, I just didn't even think about losing weight and making better food choices. I just ate what I wanted. So I gained 4.6lbs this week. More than I have lost. Pretty ashamed about that. I will be doing better on the eating part this next week...and try to get in a few workouts as I start to feel better.
I didn't loose any weight this last week, I just stayed the same. I didn't eat very good but I did work out a few times. So 0% for this week and a grand total of 1.32%.
chantrie 3
Food wise I did pretty good this week. but I only worked out once. it was just a crazy busy week with laundry after camping, 3 boxes of peaches to take care of, and a sick baby. I was just too tired. Excuses, excuses. . . blah blah blah. Any way I am down to 165 a number I haven't seen in a while. A total of 5.17% overall weightloss but only .72% for the week. I will do better!
Weekly posting
Ladies, PLEASE remember to post % each week. The % should be posted as a weekly % and an overall %. Thanks!
Naomi week 3
Well, did pretty good this week and hoping for better results next week. Does anyone other than me gain a few pounds while aunt flo is visiting? I feel a little stronger and tighter from working out every day tho so even if the scale doesn't show too much weight loss I feel better. I am at 0.49% this week, and 3.23% overall.
Callie Weigh-In
This week I actually put in an effort to lose some weight and worked out a couple days. I'm down 1.4lbs this week which is .75% and a total of 4.8lbs which is 2.53%.
Gloria - 3rd weigh-in
I didn't do so good this week with food, I ate out more and snacked on bad things more. But I worked out 6 days and tried to give it my all, despite a sore ankle.
I lost 1.5 lbs this week for a percentage of 1.15% this week. Overall I have lost 6 pounds, for a total percentage of 4.44%!
Keep it up ladies!
I lost 1.5 lbs this week for a percentage of 1.15% this week. Overall I have lost 6 pounds, for a total percentage of 4.44%!
Keep it up ladies!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I was thinking over last weeks results and how most of us had a difficult week. I thought I'd post a few tips that I've learned. As a Scentsy consultant, smells are my business so I have studied the effect of scent in our lives. Did you know that peppermint/mint/cinnamon are scents that can diminish cravings in your body? So if you use these scents in your home you can help quell your cravings.Cinnamon is used in smoking cessation classes, where the people are told to chew cinnamon gum or use cinnamon mouthwash when craving the cigarettes. I keep a good supply (actually i should buy stock in the company) of sugar free fire hot cinnamon gum and peppermint in my house, van, car and purse. If a craving strikes, I chew gum. Just a few tiny calories too. Also, Jillian and Bob from the real Biggest Loser, suggested chewing sugar fee gum when youre cooking in the kitchen. If you are chewing gum, there is less temptation to sample all the food. I mean, really, who wants spaghetti sauce gum in their mouth? These are things I use to help me, and I can use all the help I can get. Ok, well gotta go put cinnamon bear in my scentsy warmer cause I am craving junk. Have a great day everyone, and heres to a better healthy week for us all.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Karen Labrum Week 2
0% loss this week...but at least it is not a gain. I feel okay with this because perhaps that means I will maintain here also. I worked out a lot more, but did not stick to a strict diet. Here's to another week. And sorry for being late. I'll be on time next week.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Week 2 Down!
Hello ladies! I stayed at exactly 195.0 so no weight loss for me this week. This is to a better week! I just got done running a 5k. My best time ever so I'm pretty proud! :)
Friday, September 7, 2012
Lindsay week 2
LAME LAME LAME! That is what this week is. I will be reporting a whopping 0 lb loss! Seriously, periods stink! I don't know about the rest of you, but I totally have a 5 lb swing with it. I hate it. I have even eaten WAY better this week than last AND I have worked out 6x's since last Friday! I only took Sunday off! So lets just say I am feeling a bit discouraged about this. I purposely tried to stay off the scale because I knew I would be discouraged. Yep, I was right. So here's to another week. I think like someone else said...I need to drink more water...lots more water. So thank you for that tip. I will not let this get me's to a new week!
I like the positives that someone else...Karin said. This week did have a really good positive for me also. I have struggled with some health concerns and I got good results. So in the is what we are after. Yes, weight is a part of that, but health is the goal. If it seems like I am trying to convince myself of this...yes I am.
AND--we have snow on our mountains here in Alaska. I love winter, but I'm not quite ready for it yet. Maybe it is just a fluke?!? Hopefully.
I am so impressed with all of you. Naomi, thank you for this wonderful idea and the organizing of it. Yeah!!!!
I like the positives that someone else...Karin said. This week did have a really good positive for me also. I have struggled with some health concerns and I got good results. So in the is what we are after. Yes, weight is a part of that, but health is the goal. If it seems like I am trying to convince myself of this...yes I am.
AND--we have snow on our mountains here in Alaska. I love winter, but I'm not quite ready for it yet. Maybe it is just a fluke?!? Hopefully.
I am so impressed with all of you. Naomi, thank you for this wonderful idea and the organizing of it. Yeah!!!!
Dilone's 2nd week
Well I gained a pound over the long weekend, but was able to shed that and another. Brings me to 219.6 lbs. and a 0.99% loss for the week. The new gym membership has helped a lot and I plan on doing even better this week!
Callie 2nd week weigh in
I did horrible this week! I found it really hard to eat healthy, plus I was starving all week! Pizza, 2 dates, 2 extended family get togethers. Enough for the excuses! I WILL do better next week, and I expect you ladies to hold me up to that promise :). 2 things that I will work on for next week is no desserts and to exercise at least 3 times next week. I'm still working on building up those muscles, so my exercises are just walks. So, my weight lose this week was 0lbs. I was happy to get on the scale this week and see that I was still exactly what I was at last weight in. Still 3.5lbs down and 1.8% total.
Ok, I have had a hard time this week. I have lost 0 lbs, which of course is 0% :) I have gained muscle, though, so that is part of it. I seem to do really well with eating during the week when its just me home during the day. It is harder when I eat with my family and cook for them on the weekends. I have an injured arm so I hardly worked out, and when I did work out lower body, I way overworked. I had sore muscles so bad that I couldnt sit down on the toilet without practicallly crying. Note to self :slow and steady wins the race, not crazy psycho workouts. Eating is not my biggest problem, I just cant cheat all weekend and be good all week. I have found that as I have gotten older, I have to work out twice as hard to accomplish the same result, I think due to slower metabolism. I live on a farm, so I am constantly lifting and moving weights, like bales of hay, horse saddles, buckets of feed and water, and of course pooper scooping. My friends tease me cause I have "farmer arms" bulky strong arms from working. My lower half is where I carry a large part of my weight so for the coming weeks, and while my arm recovers, I will be focusing on strength and cardio with legs and lower body. I didnt drink as much water, so I didnt have to visit every restromm in a 50 mile radius, but I really think the water played a huge part in getting toxins and fat flushed out, so back to my 1 1/2 gallons per day goal.
Hello! I did a little better this week. I lost 2 lbs which is a total of 1.32% weight loss. This is my total so far since I didn't loose anything the 1st week. I only worked out 2 times, but did a lot of organizing stuff around my house a lot of it was running up and down the stairs several time each day and lifting and carrying very heavy boxes. I have also been cutting down on my portions and cutting out a lot of the sugar.
Gina- week 2
I'm feeling much better about my weigh in this week. After last week I learned that I cannot completely splurge all weekend and then expect to loose it through the week. This week I tried to stay within my calories on saturday, sunday and monday. Even with the holiday bbq's and parties I tried to be aware of each thing that was going into my mouth. I had a few treats, and even worked out on Saturday (unheard of) so that I could afford to splurge a little. It payed off! This week I met my goal and got into the 140's! I lost 2.6 lbs which puts me at 1.71%. Since I didn't loose any last week, that's my total for the entire competition. For the first time in my life I feel like I have some control over my weight and I'm learning how to adjust my eating and work out habits to change my body. That's a great feeling!
Week 2- Karin
that is all I can say.
I didn't think that I would lose anything this week...
I was planning on seeing a gain
But that is NOT what I saw...
I lost 2.2lbs
for a week loss of .77%
and 1.09% over all.
With all that has been going on in the last 2 weeks, I am glad that I haven't turned to food AS much as I normally would have.
Some of the CRAZY happenings of last week were
1. someone stole our meter-no power for over 12 hours and an investigation...the guy who stole it lives in our building. If anyone was thinking of trying this, just so you know it's a $2,000 fine with Xcel and criminal charges. WHO DOES THAT???
2. someone from China hacked into my Google account and sent messages to all my contacts...NOT COOL!
3. Husband lost his Job.
These are just the highlights of my week
The blessings that have come out of this, is
1. We received free power for 2 days...until Xcel could replace out meter
2. I was able to delete my Google account
3. Husband found a new job making just a little bit more than his last...and it is close to home, a desk job, less stressful physically. :) He started Tuesday.
4. I have lost 2.2lbs last week!!!
It's always good to look on the brighter side of things and that is what has saved me from spiraling into a deep depression and wallow in the woe as me mode, as I would normally do.
On a side note, I am always looking for the positive so I added up everyone's wt loss at last weeks weigh in and as a group we have lost a total of
WE ROCK!!!!!
Gloria - 2nd weigh-in
Hey ladies! This week was not so good for me in terms of eating as we went to a Rockies game on Sunday and had a cook-out at my parents on Monday. It is hard to make good choices when there is all that pressure to eat what everyone else is eating and to not be rude to the people who paid for or prepared the food.
I lost 1.5 lbs this week. That is a 1.14% for the week and a 3.33% overall!! Yay for progress, I have to keep reminding myself that this won't happen overnight.
I have been craving coffee, specifically a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, so bad these last few days. (I used to have a cup every morning but cut it out since it was adding a lot of sugar and calories) I decided that I will get to treat myself when I get down into the 120's, which should be next week!! Weight loss will taste so good next week!
I lost 1.5 lbs this week. That is a 1.14% for the week and a 3.33% overall!! Yay for progress, I have to keep reminding myself that this won't happen overnight.
I have been craving coffee, specifically a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, so bad these last few days. (I used to have a cup every morning but cut it out since it was adding a lot of sugar and calories) I decided that I will get to treat myself when I get down into the 120's, which should be next week!! Weight loss will taste so good next week!
Ladies I tell ya what, I am so impressed with the support, inspiration, strength and ideas that we have been able to get from each other! If you have not done so go ahead and read the comments made on each others post to get ideas/help/support! This week I hit my weekly goal of two and a half pounds. Slow and steady right? My total weight loss percentage is 2.98%! (give us % from the very beginning of the competition each week please). A couple thing I learned this week to help me out.......I figured out my BMR which is how many calories I should be eating due to age,height,weight and sex. I have been counting calories to help me find good portion sizes and get used to those portions. I found out I have been going way to low on my calories and putting my body in starvation mode, also haven't been adding enough protein since I have been weight training. Another thing I learned this week is that the national standard for the amount of water we drink has changed it is no longer 8-8oz. Glasses but 12, then you are to add an extra glass if you live above 5,000 fett elevation, then you are to add another glass for every eight lbs. that you would like to lose, and then another glass for every half hour you work out. I should be drinking around 135oz. Of liquid a day! (luckily this includes other beverages you normally drink except caffeinated and alcohol). So ladies, get drinking! My huge goal accomplished this week.....hit three weeks with no soda or fast food! That might change this weekend unfortunately since we are going on a trip but here is to making good choice if I do!
Chantrie posting for week 2
Ok. So having my anniversary and a holiday weekend all rolled into one wasn't the best for my motivation and will power. Saturday and Sunday I ate pretty much whatever I wanted and then monday I did fine in the morning and then ate leftovers from Saturday in the afternoon. Man that chinese food was tasty! In my defense I did run both Saturday and Monday morning. I am trying to maintain a workout schedule. So I ran twice, swam one day, did a short crossfit workout one day, and yesterday I did Red Rocks. Whew! That was a workout. I did not quite make my goal for the week but I did ok.
I am down to 166.2 so a 1.54% weight loss for the week and a 4.48% weight loss overall. Here is to better food choices next week and for a continuation of good work outs for the rest of my life. Have great weekend ladies. Keep up the good work!
I am down to 166.2 so a 1.54% weight loss for the week and a 4.48% weight loss overall. Here is to better food choices next week and for a continuation of good work outs for the rest of my life. Have great weekend ladies. Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Support and this weeks weigh in
Ladies, it has been great to see the support we can give each other! This week was hoping you all could share with everyone just one or two of the things you are changing to lose weight and get healthier since this is about being healthier as well as losing weight. I am making these changes not just for the competition but the life style change to be healthier for my kiddos, hubby and myself and I hope you all feel the same. Look forward to your tips to help in my journey to get healthy!
Weekly winner
Congrats Ginger on being the weekly winner. I will get your prize in the mail as soon as I can get to it. Good luck til Friday ladies!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Karen Labrum-Week1
So this weekend wasn't too great and I (Lindsay) did not clarify that posts were due on every Friday. So next week she will be back on the saddle. So for this week Karen is down 3 lbs. That means her percentage is 1.95%. We are now going to get back on track for this coming week. Here goes nothing.
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