Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Due to popular vote the final weigh in will be sent to my email along with a pic of your feet on the scale with your weight. If you have a problem with that please let me know and we can work it out somehow. I have been super impressed with you ladies! If you added up all of our % for the whole competition we would have.....47.11% weight loss amongst us!!!! I would have tried to post the actual LBS lost but some of us dont post exact lbs. each week (me included). For the final week I also would love for us to post the actual amount of lbs we each have lost for the whole 8 weeks so I can add it up and post it for a final accounting.  As for the weekly prize winners.

Week #1-ginger
Week #2- Chantrie
Week #3- Dilone
Week #4-Gina
Week #5-Gloria
(Gloria and Dilone I need your addresses so I can send your prize)

Total %'s for everyone thus far (requested by Gloria) are......
Lindsay 3.43%
Ginger 6.13%
Cendy 3.6%
Karen ? she wasn't able to post this past week
Dilone 3.25%
Karin 1.02%
Gloria 5.56%
Amber 1.0%
Chantrie 7.24%
Kim 1.99%
Gina 3.29%
Callie 5.28%
Naomi 6.32%

Good Luck for the coming weeks ladies!! 
3 more to go WE CAN DO IT!!!!

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