Monday, October 15, 2012

Karin- week 7

Well as you can tell, I totally forgot to post on sorry.  For me this week it's a 0% loss.  It's been really hard.  I am LOVING the free Zumba class that is going on in my ward thanks to Elaine and Naomi for getting it together.  I will be working this week and will miss the class 3 times.  Sad day.  I also found out that I will be needing surgery next month on my right hand first and when that has healed, I will be getting the left hand done...carpal tunnel.  I am in a lot of pain.  The steroids aren't helping much.  And we all know what happens when you take steroids...and my monthly will be showing up this week as I can just plan on gaining during the last week of this competition.  Oh we'll.  I would like to do another competition but I am not sure when I will be able to join in again.  Proud of all you Ladies for all your hard work.  You are truly an inspiration to me.

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