Friday, August 31, 2012

Dilone's Week

Well I am at 0 % loss this week.  With only a bike ride and one swim to count as exercise, I have not been active enough.  Eating Clean though so I shall continue pressing on.  Today I will get in my first workout at the gym.  Totally excited about the new gym.  We have a sticker chart for our boys, for the mornings.  Tthey get 4 out of 5 stickers, by getting up and ready for school with out me having to yell at them then they get a treat at the end of the week.  Last year it was usually ice cream from DQ.  Now it will be swimming at the new gym!  Keepn' the family healthy!



  1. I love your idea for the boys and taking them swimming for their treat! That's awesome! :)

  2. Lady, its not totally about the weight loss, its the changing of habits thats important! Good luck for this next week!
